Description of Punctodera matadorensis n.gen., n.sp. (Nematoda: Heteroderidae) from Saskatchewan with lists of species and generic diagnoses of Globodera (n.rank), Heterodera, and Sarisodera
The new genus Punctodera is described to accommodate Punctodera punctata (Thorne) n.comb. and Punctodera matadorensis n.sp., a cyst-forming nematode from the Matador Ranch, Saskatchewan. Punctodera is primarily distinguished from other cyst-forming genera by the formation of a fenestra in the anal region. P. matadorensis differs from P. punctata, as described by Thorne, in cyst shape; the former is ovoid to spherical and the latter is pear-shaped. All cysts of P. matadorensis have well-developed terminal bullae, which are absent in P. punctata. Second-stage juveniles of Thorne's original collection of P. punctata had a body length of 350–470 μm, while those of P. matadorensis have a body length of 500–570 μm. The lobe of the esophageal gland extends posteriorly about half the body length in P. matadorensis, and about one-quarter of the body length in P. punctata. The subgenus Globodera Skarbilovich is raised to generic rank and the described species with generic diagnoses of Heterodera Schmidt, Sarisodera Wouts and Sher, and Globodera n.rank are listed.