Untersuchungen zur Wirksamkeit oraler und parenteraler Hyposensibilisierung mit Pollen-Extrakten

Hyposensitization was undertaken in 26 children, aged 4-15 years, with proven sensitivity to grass and wheat pollen, in some orally (ten), in others parenterally (16), for two years before the start of the season. The administered cumulative dose with oral hyposensitization was 1,750,000 PNU (protein nitrogen units), corresponding to 3,500,000 NU (Noon units), and on parenteral sensitization 1,550 PNU, corresponding to 3,100 NU. A symptoms score was registered daily during the pollen season. It showed fewer symptoms in those with parenteral hyposensitization, although subjective assessment of the success of treatment did not indicate any difference between the two groups. Oral hyposensitization produced a higher IgE and a lower IgG immune response. Systemic side-effects were noted in half of those after oral but none after parenteral hyposensitization. Measured by side-effects, the cumulative dose and expense, the effectiveness of oral hyposensitization is inferior to parenteral administration.

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