Theory for multiple light scattering from Rayleigh scatterers in magnetic fields

We present a microscopic theory for multiple light scattering occurring in inhomogeneous three-dimensional media subject to an external magnetic field. Magneto-optical effects (the Faraday effect and the Cotton-Mouton effect) occur inside the small inhomogeneities. Using point-interaction models and the diffusion approximation, we are able to do qualitative and quantitative predictions for this rather complex problem. We can take into account the spatial anisotropy, time-reversal-symmetry breaking, and birefringence caused by the magnetic field, and discuss the consequences for the diffusion tensor and the polarization characteristics of the diffuse light. We frequently compare our findings to a similar phenomenon in dilute polyatomic gases: the Beenakker-Senftleben effect. Coherent backscattering and the field-field correlator 〈Ei(B)E¯j(0)〉 are addressed, which have both been obtained experimentally by the group of Maret et al. All modifications in transport theory due to the magnetic field exhibit a rather sensitive dependence on the scattering phase shift of the individual scatterers. © 1996 The American Physical Society.