This paper begins with an explanation of the implications of the requirement that a two-body relativistic equation should approach a one-body equation when one of the masses becomes very large. It is found that the Bethe-Salpeter equation does not satisfy this requirement. An infinite family of three-dimensional equations depending on a parameter 1ν1 is constructed, all of which do satisfy this limit. When |ν|=1 one of the particles is on its mass shell; when ν=0 both particles are equally off mass shell. The fourth order irreducible kernel for this family is studied in the expanded static limit for all ν. It is found, both for scalar theories and for a realistic chiral theory of spin ½ nucleons interacting with isovector pions, that the leading order terms in the static limit cancel for any ν, and that the nonleading terms are independent of energy only for the |ν|=1 equation. Other criteria for the selection of a relativistic two-body equation and implications for the form of the two-pion exchange potential are briefly discussed.