Measurements of the photoemission caused by collisions of ground level He+- and Ne+-ions with Ar- and Kr-atoms have shown several multipletts of Ar II and Kr II within the investigated wavelength range of 3500 to 5500 A. At a high rate the charge transfer processes occur into excited states of Ar* and Kr*. The reactions are endothermic with a deficit of internal energy between 6 and 19 eV. The cross sections measured for several chosen transitions start at characteristic threshold energies between 10 and 25 eV. Above the threshold the cross sections rise slowly with increasing energy when Ne* is the colliding ion and very fast for He+. Above 50 to 100 eV the cross sections show nearly constant values. — The minimum kinetic energy values are calculated, which can just fill up the deficits of internal energy, and are shown to be equal to the measured threshold energies. Thus it follows that the pseudo-crossing of the potential energy curves of the quasimolecules occurs at an energy value equal to the asymptotic level of the above curve.

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