The hymenopterous parasitoids of eucalypt longicorn beetles,Phoracanthaspp. (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) in Australia

The systematics of the hymenopterous parasitoids associated with Phoracantha spp. in Australia are reviewed. An illustrated key to species is presented to facilitate their identification as part of ongoing attempts for the biological control of P. semipunctata (Fabricius), an exotic pest on eucalypt trees. Information on the taxonomy, distribution and biology of 18 species of primary and hyperparasitoids associated with Phoracantha spp. are presented. A new braconid genus, Jarra, is described to accommodate three new species, J. phoracantha, J. maculipennis and J. bicolor, and Doryctes diadoxi Nixon (Doryctinae), the latter associated with a buprestid host. Two other new species, Heterospilus nukunu (Doryctinae) and Callibracon moorei (Braconinae) are also described; Iphiaulax morleyi Froggatt is synonymized with Atanycolus tomentosus Szépligeti and I. rubriceps Froggatt is synonymized with Syngaster lepidus Brullé lectotypes are designated for I. morleyi, I. rubriceps and I. phoracanthae Froggatt; and Ipobracon fleviceps flaviceps (Cameron) and I. flaviceps mackayensis Turner are transferred to Callibracon. The encyrtid genus Aventianella is recorded from Australia for the first time and the egg parasitoid of P. semipunctata, A. longoi Siscaro described from Italy, is postulated to be endemic to Australia.