Implications of high precision experiments and the CDF top quark candidates

We discuss the consequences of recent experimental results from CDF, SLC, CERN LEP, and elsewhere for the standard model and for new physics, A global fit to all indirect precision data yields mt=175±1119+17 GeV, sin2θ^MS¯=0.2317(3)(2), and αs=0.127(5)(2), where the central values are for MH=300 GeV and the second uncertainties are for MH→1000 GeV (+) and 60 GeV (-). The mt value is in remarkable agreement with the value mt value is in remarkable agreement with the value mt=174±16 GeV suggested by the CDF candidate events. There is a slight preference for a light Higgs boson with MHmt value is (not) included. The sensitivity is, however, due almost entirely to the anomalously large observed values for the Zbb¯ width and left-right asymmetry. The value of αs (from the line shape) is clean theoretically assuming the standard model, but is sensitive to the presence of new physics contributions to the Zbb¯ vertex. Allowing a vertex correction δbbnew one obtains the significantly lower value αs=0.111±0.009, in better agreement with low energy determinations, and δbbnew=0.023±0.011.
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