The numbers of contrast media (CM)-enhanced examinations are increasing. The annual sale of iodine for CM now represents 60 million CM doses a year world-wide. In spite of improvements in chemical structure, CM are still the third leading cause of hospital-acquired acute renal failure. The definition of contrast nephropathy (CN) is discussed, as well as the mechanisms involved in the pathogenesis. Low osmolar contrast media (LOCM) are less nephrotoxic than high osomolar contrast media (HOCM) and cause fewer osmotoxic side-effects such as pain and heat sensations. The non-ionic dimeric contrast media which are iso-osmolar to plasma (IOCM) cause even fewer haemodynamic side-effects and result in better opacification of the urinary tract than LOCM. The nephrotoxicity of IOCM is low. The risk factors for CN and methods for prevention of CN are discussed.