The IRS‐signalling system during insulin and cytokine action

The discovery of the first intracellular substrate for insulin, IRS‐1, redirected the field of diabetes research and has led to many important advances in our understanding of insulin action. Detailed analysis of IRS‐1 demonstrates structure/function relationships for this modular docking molecule, including mechanisms of substrate recognition and signal propagation. Recent work has also identified other structurally similar molecules, including IRS‐2, the Drosophila protein, DOS, and the Grb2‐binding protein, Gab1, suggesting that this intracellular signalling strategy is conserved evolutionarily and is utilized by an expanding number of receptor systems. In fact, IRS‐1 itself has been shown to be important in other growth factor and cytokine signalling systems, including growth hormone and several interleukins. Analysis of mice lacking IRS‐1 confirms an important physiological role for this protein in glucose metabolism and general cell growth in the intact animal. Disregulation of the signalling pathways integrated by the IRS proteins may contribute to the pathophysiology of non‐insulin‐dependent diabetes mellitus or other diseases.