The publication in mass-circulation journals of reducing diets low in protein, one containing 30-40 gm. from normal foods1and the other a liquid formula diet containing even less,2has created many inquiries concerning their safety and effectiveness. Discussion of both diets on radio and television programs and promotion of the liquid formula diet over a national hookup by television commercials and newspaper advertisements by the promoters of a syrup rich in dextrose and of corn oil have stimulated further inquiries. Runs on drugstores for dextrose became so large as to be reported in the business section of a news weekly.3 The low-protein diet, through normal foods,1limits protein, it may be calculated, to 30 to 40 gm. daily, but (calories from) carbohydrate and fat are unrestricted in amount or type, so it is impossible to estimate the approximate nutritive composition of this diet. Although most of