The superior efficiency of capillary columns is desirable for the gas chromatographic analysis of complex mixtures of fatty acids, but there have been some reservations regarding quantitation and reproducibility. This paper discusses the use of wall‐coated glass capillary columns in a semiautomated system for the determination of food fatty acids. Glass columns coated with SP2340 were used for extended periods at temperatures up to 200 C without appreciable deterioration. Up to 1900 samples were analyzed on a single column over an 11‐month period, with only minor changes in retention ratios, response factors and column efficiency. Quantitative precision of results, calculated either as normalized weight percentage or as absolute amounts, based on the use of an internal standard, were typically within 2% relative deviation. Difficulties encountered in obtaining acceptable chromatograms and reproducible data are discussed, and typical analyses of the fatty acids from foods presented.