The Scattering of Protons by Tritons

The differential cross section for the scattering of protons by tritons has been measured in the angular range of 41.85° to 163° in the laboratory (54.7° to 168.7° in the center-of-mass system) at five energies between 2.54 and 3.50 Mev using protons from the Minnesota electrostatic generator. A small volume (42 cc) scattering chamber with an angular range of 17° to 163° was used for these measurements. Measurements of proton-proton and proton-helium cross sections and a comparison of the results with those obtained previously with a large scattering chamber showed that this small chamber gave results too high (about 3 percent) at the low scattering angles. These measurements determined a correction which was applied in the calculation of the pT cross sections from the experimental data. The center-of-mass differential cross section varies between a maximum of 0.243×1024 cm2 per unit solid angle at 54.7° and 3.5 Mev and a minimum of 0.065×1024 cm2 per unit solid angle at 109.5° and 3.5 Mev in the angle and energy range studied. The cross sections considered as a function of angle display a strong minimum, near 100°, in the center-of-mass coordinate system. The cross section for a given angle is a slowly varying function of energy.

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