Some modlficatmns to Temme's algorithm for the evaluation of the modified Bessel functmn of the third kind have been made Temme evaluates K,(x) and K,+dx) for x > 1 and ]~1 --- ½ from auxdmry functmns k(,(x) and kdx), which he determines by Miller's backward recurrence algorithm In this paper the starting order for the backward recurrence algorithm for ko(x) and k~(x) is given by a pmcewlse linear functmn of 1/x Also, we have found that ~t is more efficmnt, for small values of x, to calculate only kdx)/ko(x), whmh can be used with the values L(x) and L÷dx) and the Wronskian to obtam K,.(x) and K,+dx)

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