Hopping transport in prototypical organic glasses

Recent computer simulations have shown that the temperature dependence of the charge-carrier mobility in an amorphous organic hopping system, where the profile of the energy distribution of the hopping sites is a Gaussian, should follow μ(T)=μ0exp[(T0T)2]. T0 is proportional to the Gaussian width σ. Experimental data obtained for the hole mobility in a variety of organic glasses confirm this relationship and yield σ values on the order 0.1 eV and μ0 values on the order 102 cm2/V s. Changes of the μ(T) dependence observed near the glass transition temperature are attributed to an increase of σ above Tg as a result of dynamic disorder superimposed on the static fluctuations of site energies. The model predicts a field dependence of μ of the form μ(E)=μ(E=0)exp(EE0) which is observed. Agreement between simulation results and experiment is excellent. It demonstrates that the field dependence of μ is an inherent consequence of hopping transport in a system subject to a Gaussian type of diagonal disorder. No charged trap states have to be invoked.