Humanbcr-abl gene has a lethal effect on embryogenesis

The chimaericbcr-abl oncogene is thought to have a crucial role in the development or maintenance of chronic nyelogenous leukaemia. To study this oncogene in a more direct way, thebcr-abl gene encoding the P210 protein under control of thebcr gene promoter was introduced into fertilized one-cell embryos, which were then re-implanted into foster mothers. Our data, obtained after several experiments, demonstrate that no live transgenic progeny could be obtained using thisbcr-abl construct. Thebcr gene is expressed in the course of embryogenesis and thebcr-abl gene product appears to have a pleiotropic lethal effect during this period of development. In concordance, several gross abnormalities were observed while no evidence of neoplastic formation was found. These results suggest that thebcr-abl encoded protein severely affects the process of normal embryogenesis.