Some of mucosal defensive agents have anti-Helicobacter pylori activities. However, their effectiveness in eradicating H. pylori infection has not been evaluated. To assess the additive effect of mucosal defensive agents in eradication regimens using statistical analysis. Pertinent studies were retrieved using the Medline and the Igaku–chuo–zasshi databases in Japan, reference and congress abstract lists. Studies in which regimens consisted of dual or triple therapy with mucosal defensive agents and without them, were selected from the retrieved studies. Eradication rates were extracted from studies according to intention-to-treat analysis. We evaluated the efficacies of mucosal defensive agents by pooled relative risk of eradication rates and its 95% confidence intervals (95% CI), which were calculated by Mantel–Haenszel method. Heterogeneity among the studies in treatment effect was evaluated by a χ2-test. In dual therapy regimens, mucosal defensive agents demonstrated significant additive effects (pooled relative risk 1.41; 95% CI: 1.24–1.61). In triple therapy regimens, these agents did not provide significant additive effect. The clinical usefulness of specific agents could not be established, when each agent was analysed independently. Mucosal defensive agents improve the cure rate when used with existing dual therapy regimens for eradicating H. pylori infection.