The influence of temperature on the interfacial shear strength between epoxy thermoset matrices and surface treated, carbon AS4 as well as with surface treated and sized AS4-C carbon fibers was investigated. The thermoset matrices all consisted of DGEBA epoxy resin cured with different amine curing agents resulting in matrices with a range of behavior from brittle, elastic to ductile, plastic. For all systems, the results indicate that the interfacial shear strength (ISS) decreases with increasing temperature and as the T g of the matrix is approached, a large corresponding decrease in the interfacial shear strength is seen. Moreover, the AS4-C (epoxy sized) system revealed a distinct decrease in interfacial shear strength at temperatures lower than the bulk matrix T g indicating the formation of an interphase layer of composition different from the bulk matrix. Linear superposition methods were used to generate a master curve for the different matrix materials reinforced with the AS4 fibers. These results allow the prediction of ISS at any temperature.