The effect of primary and secondary immunization on the lymphoid tissues of the carp,Cyprinus carpio L

Mirror carp immunized with human gamma globulin (HGG) in Freund's complete adjuvant (FCA) show a proliferative response involving cells whose cytoplasm stains deep red with methyl green‐pyronin (pyroninophilic cells). This response occurs particularly in the haemopoietic parenchyma of the pronephros and mesonephros. It peaks at week 3, with the formation of clusters of pyroninophilic cells in the pronephros. Immunization with Aeromonas salmonicida elicited a less intense pyroninophilic response but caused a larger increase in pigment‐containing cells. After a secondary immunization with HGG in FCA, a distinct response was observed in the spleen: Pyroninophilic cells collected within the ellipsoid sheaths in large numbers and formed nodules. The reticulum of such nodules acquired spherical proportions and resembled the white pulp reticulum of the tetrapod spleen. The roles of such pyroninophilic cells and the possibility that aggregations of them may be functionally analogous to homoiotherm germinal centres are discussed.