Air Pollution and Mortality

We analyzed a national data base of air pollution and mortality for the 88 largest U.S. cities for the period 1987–1994, to estimate relative rates of mortality associated with airborne particulate matter smaller than 10 microns (PM10) and the form of the relationship between PM10 concentration and mortality. To estimate city-specific relative rates of mortality associated with PM10, we built log-linear models that included nonparametric adjustments for weather variables and longer term trends. To estimate PM10 mortality dose-response curves, we modeled the logarithm of the expected value of daily mortality as a function of PM10 using natural cubic splines with unknown numbers and locations of knots. We also developed spatial models to investigate the heterogeneity of relative mortality rates and of the shapes of PM10 mortality dose-response curves across cities and geographical regions. To determine whether variability in effect estimates can be explained by city-specific factors, we explored the depende...