Etude des Exigences Nutritives de Quatre Souches deTrichophyton Verrucosum

The vitamin requirements of 4 strains of Trichophyton verrucosum were studied on a basic medium, relatively poor in mineral elements but containing 2% dextrose and 0,44% glutamic acid. Initially growth was established at pH 6,5 because of the presence of MES (2-(N-Morpholino) Ethane Sulfonic acid) buffer. Under these conditions a partial deficiency for nicotinic acid was noted in addition to known deficiencies for thiamine and mesoinositol. On some media, at 30°C, all the strains grew rapidly and abundantly. At 33 or 37°C growth was accelerated but sporulation was reduced. Aspartic acid and leucine were favourable nitrogen sources for the fungus and on leucine basal agar enriched with vitamins the 2 recently isolated strains produced many micro and macroconidia.