Methods are described for the determination of protease, amylase, and cellulase activity of unknown solutions permitting accurate measurements over a wide range of enzyme concentration in a single determination. Regression equations were obtained relating: (a) protease concentrations to the optical densities of casein hydrolyzates precipitated with an acetic acid solution (correlation coefficient, r = −0.9806; D.F. 70), (b) optical densities of starch–iodine complexes formed in starch hydrolyzates to amylase concentrations (multiple correlation coefficient, R = 0.9918; D.F. 62), and (c) cellulase concentrations to relative viscosities of carboxymethyl cellulose hydrolyzates (correlation coefficient, r = −0.9554; D.F. 34). The influence of chlortetracycline on the activity of these hydrolases in vitro was investigated and no effect was detected at a level of 5 p.p.m.