Spin-glass-like behavior of the incommensurate composite phaseLaCrS3

(La0.95 V0.05S)1.19 CrS2 (V stands for vacancy, often abbreviated ‘‘LaCrS3’’) belongs to the family of composite misfit layer compounds with a structural formulation (MX)1+x(TX2 )m [G. A. Wiegers and A. Meerschaut, in Incommensurate Sandwiched Layered Compounds, edited by A. Meerschaut (Trans. Tech. Pub., Zurich, 1992)]. Chromium is the only magnetic element and antiferromagnetic interactions (θp=-390 K) between chromium atoms [d(Cr-Cr)av=3.435 Å] are taking place. At low temperatures (T<80 K), the susceptibility is largely dependent of the cooling mode: ZFC (zero field cooled) and FC (field cooled). A great number of measurements were performed: magnetization, thermo- and isothermal remanent magnetization, and ac susceptibility on powder and on a single crystal. They all show that LaCrS3 has complex magnetic properties which are reminiscent of spin-glass behavior.