Double-Charge-Exchange Scattering of Pions from Nuclei

Pions offer a unique possibility as probes of nuclear structure since they can exchange two units of electrical charge unaccompanied by other quantum numbers. We have calculated the double-charge-exchange cross section for the reaction π+He3π++3n in the impulse approximation using the Chew-Low model for the pion-nucleon interaction. Only the dominant 3-3 channel is retained. For incident pions in the energy region of several hundred MeV, values of the differential cross section of d2σdΩdE110 μb/MeV are obtained for forward angles. Triple-scattering terms are also calculated and found to introduce corrections of <10% in d2σdΩdE. Similar results are obtained when the work is extended to the reaction π++O18π+Ne18 using shell-model wave functions.