Determination of pea (Pisum sativum L.) root lectin using an enzyme-linked immunoassay

Root lectins are believed to participate in the recognition between Rhizobium and its leguminous host plant. Among other factors, testing this hypothesis is difficult because of the very low amounts in which root lectins are produced. A double-antibody-sandwich enzyme-linked immunoassay, was used to determine nanogram quantities of pea lectin in root slime and salt extracts of root cell-wall material when pea seedlings were 4 and 7 d old. In addition, a critical NO 3 - concentration (20 mM) which inhibited nodulation was found, and the lectin present in root slime and salt extracts of root cell walls of 4- and 7-d-old peas supplied with 20 mM NO 3 - was comparatively determined. With the enzyme-linked immunoassay, lectin quantities ranging between 20 and 100 nanograms could be determined. The assay is not affected by monomeric mannose and glucose (pealectin haptens). The slime of the 4-d-old roots contained more lectin than the slime of the 7-d-old roots. Salt-extractable, cell-wall-associated lectin accumulated in the older roots. Nitrate affected slime and cell-wall production, and the extractability of cell-wall material in both age groups. The presence of NO 3 - increased lectin in the slime, most notably in the younger roots; the relative amount of lectin in the slime was almost doubled. The cell-wall-associated, salt-extractable lectin decreased two- to threefold compared with the control group.