Prerecall and postrecall imagery ratings with pictorial and verbal stimuli in paired-associate learning.

Compared pictures and words on measures of imagery mediation, recall, and recognition in 3 paired-associate learning experiments with undergraduates (N = 136). Recognition and recall were greater with picture stimuli than with word stimuli, but there was no recall difference given control for recognition. Imagery ratings and image-label production were higher with words than with pictures in the study period. Image-label recall was higher for words after control for recognition. In postexperimental ratings, words surpassed pictures when there had been an initial rating and pictures surpassed words when there had not. Postexperimental ratings were highly related to study-trial ratings and correlated more highly with recall when there were no study-trial ratings. Initial ratings seemed to reduce picture-word recall differences. Results document the instability of subjective reports and imply a word advantage in eliciting imagery mediation. (15 ref.) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2006 APA, all rights reserved)

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