An infant with suspected right ventricular dysplasia presenting unique ventriculograms

Angiocardiography was performed twice in a male infant at ten days after birth due to cyanosis during crying and at 4 years and 10 months of age for close examination of the heart prior to an operation for cerebral abscess. Outpouchings resembling multiple diverticula were observed in both ventricles, though more notably in the right ventricle, as well as slight enlargement and reduced ejection fraction of both ventricles. Evaluation of oxygen saturation indicated right‐to‐left shunt at the atrial level. Electrocardiography suggested a marked superior axis deviation, and chest roentgenography and two‐dimensional echocardiography revealed enlargement of the right atrium and right ventricle. Soon after the examinations, the patient died suddenly during sleep at home. Since autopsy was not performed, a definitive diagnosis could not be made, but right ventricular dysplasia appeared likely. The unique angiocardiographic findings and clinical course of this rare patient are described.