In 1946 Stout published his classical paper1on rhabdomyosarcoma of skeletal muscles, which established, for the first time, the microscopic characteristics of sarcomas of skeletal muscles in the absence of demonstrable cross striations. Stobbe and Dargeon3pointed out, in 1950, that the embryonic type of rhabdomyosarcoma of the head and neck in children resembled neuroblastoma and lymphosarcoma. They reported 15 patients with a mean age of 6½ years but who varied in age from 16 months to 16 years; 13 of their patients were 12 years old or younger. In these cases limited to the head and neck, the primary rhabdomyosarcomas developed in orbital, facial, and cervical muscles. The authors state that clinically these tumors were rarely diagnosed early and were often misdiagnosed microscopically. Distant metastases occurred in several sites in 6 of 15 cases: lungs in 4 cases, pleuras in 3 cases, lymph nodes in 3, vertebral