Mesocaval and distal splenorenal shunts: Effect on hepatic function, hepatic hemodynamics, and portal systemic encephalopathy

The effect of the mesocaval interposition shunt (n=12) and the distal splenorenal shunt (n=9) on the wedged hepatic venous pressure, the estimated hepatic blood flow, quantitative hepatic function, and the rate of portal systemic encephalopathy was evaluated in 21 patients who had bled from esophageal varices. After mesocaval shunt the wedged hepatic venous pressure was significantly reduced by 42% (from 26±3 mm Hg to 15±5 mm Hg,PPPPP<0.001), postoperative changes of hepatic function were comparable in both groups of patients. The galactose elimination capacity, the initial plasma disappearance rate of Bromsulphalein, and the plasma ratio of valine, leucine, and isoleucine to phenylalanine and tyrosine were reduced by 13%, 26%, and 29%, respectively, after mesocaval shunt, compared to 12%, 25%, and 17% after distal splenorenal shunt. Only two patients of the mesocaval shunt group with the largest decrease in estimated hepatic blood flow developed portal systemic encephalopathy postoperatively, and the distal splenorenal shunt patients with their minor hemodynamic sequelae remained free of portal systemic encephalopathy.