The development of the adult endocrine pancreas was followed throughout metamorphosis in the sea lamprey using electron microscopy and immunocytochemistry. It was discovered that the caudal pancreas develops from the larval extrahepatic common bile duct through the process of transdifferentiation (dedifferentiation/redifferentiation). Early in metamorphosis the bile duct epithelial cells possess large vacuoles, resembling autophagic vacuoles, containing recognizable cell material. There is a loss of the large bundles of intermediate filaments characteristic of the larval bile duct epithelium. These same cells are then seen to contain granules immunoreactive for insulin. Pancreatic islets develop within the base of the bile duct epithelium from these transdifferentiated cells and migrate into the surrounding connective tissue to form the caudal pancreas. The cranial pancreas was found to develop from the epithelia lining the developing adult diverticulum and anterior intestine in a similar fashion as those in the larva. The second cell type to appear in either portion of the developing pancreas is similar to the third cell type of the adult: cells immunoreactive for somatostatin do not appear until late in metamorphosis in either region. © 1993 Wiley-Liss Inc.