Induced changes in the surface of Neisseria gonorrhoeae

Growth of Neisseria gonorrhoeae strain F62 on medium containing pyruvate and a high ratio of cysteine to cystine resulted in functional and structural changes that are consistent with phenotypic changes in lipopolysaccharide. Both transparent (O) and moderately opaque (O+) variants became more sensitive to killing by normal human serum and more resistant to killing by pyocin G, a bacteriocin from Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Electrophoresis of outer membranes in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate demonstrated differences also dependent upon the growth medium. When gels were treated with periodic acid and stained with silver, lanes containing outer membranes obtained after growth in the modified medium demonstrated two bands in addition to those independent of the growth medium. The enhancement of these additional bands by periodate treatment indicated that they represent material containing carbohydrate. The mechanism by which the changes in the growth medium affected the surface of N. gonorrhoeae is not known; however, the changes demonstrated by electrophoresis were dependent upon either the high concentration of cysteine or the high ratio of cysteine to cystine.