Halothane‐induced hepatic microsomal lipid peroxidation in guinea pigs and rats

Halothane‐induced hepatic microsomal lipid peroxidation in guinea pigs and rats was examined with respect to the mixed function oxidase system, anaerobic dehalogenation activity of halothane, and the antioxidant system. The levels of cytochrome P‐450 and NADPH‐cytochrome P‐450 reductase were significantly higher in guinea pigs than in rats. There was no difference between the two animals in anaerobic dehalogenation activity of halothane per cytochrome P‐450 in microsomes. Microsomal α‐tocopherol was significantly lower in guinea pigs than in rats, and was increased by multiple exposure to halothane in guinea pigs but remained lower than in rats. Microsomal α‐tocopherol was decreased in rats by multiple exposure. The concentration of reduced glutathione and ascorbic acid was decreased significantly by multiple exposure to halothane in guinea pigs but not in rats. These results suggest that the higher level of halothane‐induced hepatic microsomal lipid peroxidation in guinea pigs is due to the large production of radical metabolites resulting from the large amounts of cytochrome P‐450, the high activity of NADPH‐cytochrome P‐450 reductase, and the low concentration of microsomal α‐tocopherol.