Deletion of chromosome 2q24‐q31 causes characteristic digital anomalies: Case report and review

We describe a newborn boy with multiple anomalies, including bilateral split foot and an interstitial deletion of chromosome 2 (q24.2‐q31.1). Four additional cases in 2 families involving similar deletions have been reported. Bilateral digital anomalies of hands and feet were seen in all 5 cases, including a wide cleft between the first and second toes, wide halluces, brachysyndactyly of the toes, and camptodactyly of the fingers. Other common manifestations have included postnatal growth and mental retardation, microcephaly, down‐slanting palpebral fissures, micrognathia, and apparently low‐set ears. Bilateral digital anomalies were reported in 22 of 24 cases with deletions including at least part of region 2q24‐q31. Digital anomalies were not prevalent in 18 patients with deletions of chromosome 2q not overlapping 2q24‐q31. 2q31.1 appears to be the common deleted segment in all cases with significant digital anomalies, which implies the existence of one or more genes involved in distal limb morphogenesis in this region. HOXD13 and EVX2, located in the proximity of 2q31, were not deleted in our patient by Southern analysis.Bilateral digital malformations of the hands and feet associated with other anomalies should be evaluated by chromosome analysis focused at the 2q24‐q31 region.