Behavior of induced keratometric and cylindrical changes, (2) induced with-the-rule, against-the-rule, and oblique astigmatism, (3) comparison of keratometric and refractive astigmatism, and (4) the effect of cutting sutures upon induced astigmatism. Though a large amount of with-the-rule astigmatism was immediately induced after surgery, by the end of one year over 60% of patients shifted toward against-the-rule. *Reprint requests to Joel C. Axt, OD., Ph.D., Glendale Eye Medical Group, 607 North Central Avenue, Glendale, California 91203. James M. McCaffery, M.D., reviewed the manuscript and Dee van den Vryhoef prepared it for submission. Roger Gimbel, C.O.T., provided the computer graphics. © Williams & Wilkins 1987. All Rights Reserved....

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