Infrared Spectra of {Y3}[Mgy M 2-y](M 3-ySiy)O12 Garnets (M=Al3+, Fe 3+, Ga3+, y=0. 0 to 2. 0)

IR spectra in the region from 1200 to 200 cm-i of the garnet selid solutions 1{Ys}[MgvMa, ](MsntvSiy)Ois (M=AIS", FeS", GaS", y=O. O te 2, 0) have been studied systematically and strongly localized group vibration of isolated tetrahedren er octahedren was feund. The spectra assigried to stretching vibratiofi, y3, of tetrahedra, AIOt, FeOa, and GaO4, splitted intothree bands in y=O, O co ositi n Qf each s 1id sdut n 3 bands f A10'degenerqted into two bands at y l O.5, but those of FeOi or GaO' degenerated into oRe band at y 41.5 (Tables 1, 2 and 3, Fig.1, 2 and 3). ys bands shifted toward lower frequency with increasing y value for AIO' (substituting octahedral AIS" by Mgg") but not remarkably for FeO4 or GaO4 (substituting octahedral Feg" or GaS" by Mg"") (Fig.4). From these results and the report of McDevitt, it is concluded that the frequency of ys vibration of tetrahedron is affected by the ionic radius, that is, ionic field strength of neighbeuring dodecahedral and octahedral cations. The similar frequency shifts were also evident in the case of ys bands of SiO' (Fig.5). The difference of degeneration tendeney of v3 bands between AIO' and FeOt or GaOd suggests that the bonding character of FeO, or GaOA differs from that of AIO': the interaction of FeO' or GaO' with the garnet lattice seems to be small comparing with that ef AIO'. The bands assigned to stretching vibration of oetahedron were 520, 474, and 438 cmmi for AIO6, 382 and 362 cm-i for FeOs, 466, 400, and 342 cm-i for GaOs, and 400. v350 cm'i for MgO6, respectively.

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