Magnetic Properties of the System Au4(VFe)

The magnetic properties of a series of Au80 (V20−xFex) alloys, where x varied from 1 to 9, were investigated to determine the effect of adding a solute with a localized moment on the magnetic behavior of Au4V. Magnetization measurements were made over the temperature range from 4.5° to 300°K. All specimens were magnetically ordered at 4.5°K. Above the magnetic ordering temperature, the inverse susceptibility vs temperature curves can be represented by an equation which includes a Curie‐Weiss term and a Pauli paramagnetism term. The effect of adding Fe to the ordered Au4V alloy is to increase the effective moment and the Curie temperature of the alloys with up to 7 at.% Fe. However, the alloy with 9 at.% Fe did not chemically order under conditions employed for the other compositions, but did order magnetically at about 20°K.

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