p53 is a potential mediator of pregnancy and hormone-induced resistance to mammary carcinogenesis

Full-term pregnancy early in reproductive life is protective against breast cancer in women. Pregnancy also provides protection in animals against carcinogen-induced breast cancer, and this protection can be mimicked by using the hormones estrogen and progesterone. The molecular mechanisms that form the basis for this protective effect have not been elucidated. On the basis of our results, we propose a cell-fate hypothesis. At a critical period in adolescence the hormonal milieu of pregnancy affects the developmental fate of a subset of mammary epithelial cells and its progeny, which results in persistent differences in molecular pathways between the epithelial cells of hormone-treated and mature virgin mammary glands. These changes in turn dictate the proliferative response to carcinogen challenge and include a block in carcinogen-induced increase in mammary epithelial cell proliferation and an increased and sustained expression of nuclear p53 in the hormone-treated mammary gland. This hormone-induced nuclear p53 is transcriptionally active as evidenced by increased expression of mdm2 and p21 (CIP1/WAF1). Importantly, exposure to perphenazine, a compound that induces mammary gland differentiation but does not confer protection, does not induce p53 expression, indicating that p53 is not a differentiation marker. The proliferative block and induction of p53 are operative in both rats and mice, results that support the generality of the proposed hypothesis.