Pectolytic Enzymes in Sweet Bell Peppers (Capsicum annuum L.)

Low levels of polygalacturonase (PG) and pectinesterase (PE) activities were quantitated in sweet bell peppers at four stages of maturity based on surface ground color (dark green, light green, turning, and red). The PG activity increased during pepper ripening and was maximal at the turning stage while the PE activity declined during ripening and was maximal at the light green stage. Pepper texture measurements were found to decline concomitantly with the increase in PG activity. Pepper PG showed pH optimum between 4.8 to 5.0 and increased temperature stability with advanced ripening. Compared to tomatoes, pepper PG activity was 116‐ to 164‐fold lower and pepper PE activity was 429‐ to 1900‐fold lower than the corresponding tomato enzymes.