Regional metabolic changes in the spinal cord related to spinal shock and later hyperreflexia in monkeys

The regional metabolic rate for glucose (rMRglu) was studied in macaque monkeys after spinal cord transection at T10, both during spinal shock and after reflexes had returned. The rMRglu was measured in all Rexed layers in cord segments both caudal and rostral to the level of the transection utilizing the quantitative [14C]deoxyglucose technique. The monkeys in spinal shock exhibited a significant increase in rMRglu in Rexed layer I and a significant reduction in layers VI to IX of the lumbosacral cord. In contrast, after reflexes had returned the rMRglu was increased in all Rexed layers of the lumbosacral cord; this increase was significant in layers I, V, and VI.