Voice Analysis of the Partially Ablated Larynx

This study attempts to obtain a data base of objective information on the phonatory characteristics of the partially ablated larynx. Twenty patients who had previously undergone partial laryngectomy with glottic reconstruction underwent videolaryngoscopy. The visualizations obtained revealed that the mechanism of voice production was due in part to sphincterization and compensatory hypertrophy of glottic and supraglottic remnants. Aerodynamic and phonatory function tests together with acoustical and perceived voice quality analyses of these partially ablated larynges tend to corroborate the videotape impressions in many instances. However, data accumulated thus far only reveal trends that cannot yet be subjected to definitive interpretations. With the incorporation of other methods of evaluation, augmented by the inclusion of more patient material, it is hoped that the information obtained can be used to improve reconstructive techniques, monitor surgical results, and enhance methods of voice rehabilitation in these patients.