Generation of a cell line with smooth muscle phenotype from hypertrophied urinary bladder

We have established a cell line from hypertrophied rabbit urinary bladder smooth muscle (SM) that stably expresses SM myosin (SMM). These cells, termed BSM, are spindle shaped and form swirls, similar to the “hills and valleys” described for cultured aortic SM cells. Western blotting revealed that BSM expresses the amino-terminal SMM heavy chain isoform SM-B, the carboxy-terminal SM1 and SM2 isoforms, and SM α-actin. In addition, they express cGMP-dependent protein kinase G, made by contractile SM cells in vitro but not by noncontractile cells synthesizing extracellular matrix. Immunofluorescence studies indicate a homogeneous population of cells expressing α-actin and SMM, including the SM-B isoform, and karyotyping demonstrates a stable 4N chromosomal pattern. These cells also express calcium-dependent myosin light chain kinase and phosphatase activity and contract in response to the muscarinic agonist bethanechol. To our knowledge, BSM is the first visceral SM cell line that expresses the SM-B isoform and might serve as a useful model to study the transcriptional regulation of tissue-specific SMM isoforms in differentiation and pathological SM.