Suppression of maturation of megakaryocyte colony forming unit in vitro by a platelet-released glycoprotein

The suppressive role of platelets on the grwoth of human marrow megakaryocyte colony forming units (CFU-M) in vitro was investigated by the use of a plasma clot assay. An inverse correlation was established between the number of megakaryocytic colonies grown and the platelet concentration of the plasma or the resultant serum used in the culture system. The suppressive effect of platelets on megakaryocyte colony formation reached a plateau at normal human blood platelet concentration and was specific for CFU-M growth, since marrow cell erythroid burst formation (BFU-E) and granulocytic-monocytic colony formation (CFU-GM) remained unaffected. The inhibitory activity was detectable in the supernatants of platelet suspensions aggregated by thrombin or ADP, and the inhibitory activity released from ADP-stimulated platelets was blocked by pretreatment of platelets with monoclonal antibody HuPl-m1. Partial purification of this activity was acheived by diethylaminoethyl (DEAE)-ion exchange and phytohemagglutinin (PHA)-E agarose affinity chromatography. This inhibitor is a glycoprotein with a molecular weight of 12-17K daltons. This platelet released glycoprotein does not affect the early proliferative phase of CFU-M in vitro but acts on a day 6–8 CFU-M-derived cell by adversely affecting its maturation into recognizable megakaryocytes. These findings demonstrate that a glycoprotein released from platelets suppresses the maturation of CFU-M into megakaryocytes.