Nephrotoxicity of Hexachlorobutadiene and Its Glutathione-Derived Conjugates

The nephrotoxicity of hexachloro-1,3-butadiene (HCBD), its glutathione conjugate (HCBD-GSH), cysteine conjugate (HCBD-CYS), and its N-acetyl cysteine conjugate (HCBD-NAC) were compared in male and female Alderley Park rats. Rats, six to eight weeks of age, were given a single intra-peritoneal injection of HCBD or its conjugates and killed 24 hours later. Nephrotoxicity was assessed by histological examination and plasma urea. All three glutathione-derived conjugates produced an elevation of plasma urea and proximal renal tubular necrosis with a similar localization in the pars recta as seen with HCBD. All the conjugates were more nephrotoxic than HCBD itself. HCBD was about four times more toxic to female rats than males. This sex difference was also shown by all the HCBD metabolites.