Spin Dependence of theU235Low-Energy Neutron Cross Section

The interaction of polarized monochromatic neutrons with polarized U235 nuclei has been used to study the spin dependence of the total cross section of U235 at a number of neutron energies between 0.075 and 2.04 eV. Measurements were made primarily with a U0.2235 La0.8 Cl3 target in which appreciable nuclear polarization was produced. The results show that the 0.275-eV resonance is in the opposite spin state to the 1.14-eV resonance and to the major part of the thermal cross section. The 2.08-eV resonance is probably in the same spin state as the 0.275-eV resonance. If we assume that U235 has a negative magnetic moment, then J=I12=3 at 0.275 eV. None of the existing cross-section analyses are completely consistent with the observations for E1.14 eV. In U235 metal a small "brute-force" nuclear polarization was detected, but there was no evidence of any hyperfine interaction. A somewhat larger nuclear polarization was observed in U235 Fe2, due to a negative hyperfine field of undetermined magnetude.