Mobility limitations in the Swedish population from 1968 to 1992: Age, gender and social class differences

Mobility limitations are closely related to disability in old age. The study of mobility limitations in the population may improve the understanding of the development of disability, as well as gender and class patterns in disability in old age. Representative samples of the Swedish population between the ages of 18 and 75 years were interviewed in 1968, 1974, 1981, and 1991. A further sample of people aged 76+ years was interviewed in 1992. The questionnaire included the ability to walk 100 meters, to walk up and down stairs, and to run 100 meters. Mobility limitations begin to appear around age 40 years, and increase with age. In 1992 nearly none in the oldest age group (85+) could run 100 meters, and less than half could walk 100 meters, or go up and down stairs without difficulty. Between 1968 and 1991, the proportion of people with mobility limitations was reduced by one third, with the most prominent reduction among the oldest age groups. Women were more likely to report mobility limitations compared to men at all waves; however, the gender difference decreased between 1968 and 1991. Blue-collar workers had more mobility limitations than white-collar workers, and this discrepancy did not decrease over time. Mobility limitations often begin early in life, and differences between cohorts, men and women, and social classes can be seen well before the age of 50. The results suggest that gender differences in functional limitations among elderly people may decrease in the future, while social class inequalities are likely to persist.