Indication for using high ligation of the inferior mesenteric artery in rectal cancer surgery

In surgery for rectal cancer, it is unclear whether the inferior mesenteric artery should be ligated at a high or low position. The study contained herein was undertaken to clarify the indications for high ligation of the inferior mesenteric artery. Subjects included 198 patients with rectal cancer who underwent resection with high ligation of the inferior mesenteric artery. Nodal metastases were examined by the clearing methods. The incidence of metastases to the lymph nodes surrounding the origin of the inferior mesenteric artery (root nodes) was 8.6 percent. Inferior mesenteric artery root nodal metastases occurred more frequently with pT3 and pT4 cancer. The five-year survival rate in patients with inferior mesenteric artery root nodal metastases was 38.5 percent; this rate was significantly lower than in those without inferior mesenteric artery root nodal metastases (73.4 percent). Although the five-year survival rate in patients with inferior mesenteric artery root nodal metastases was lower than in those without metastases, inferior mesenteric artery root nodal dissection should be performed after high ligation of the inferior mesenteric artery for patients with pT3 and pT4 cancers.