The Breast Cancer Gene Database: a collaborative information resource

The Breast Cancer Gene Database (BCGD) is a compendium of molecular genetic data relating to genes involved in breast cancer, and which is freely available via the World Wide Web. The data in BCGD is extracted from the published biomedical research literature and stored as a collection of `Facts', which in turn are collected into topical categories organized by gene. This organization facilitates quick searches and rapid retrievals of specific data such as gene characteristics, functions and role in oncogenesis, and is an important factor allowing for continuous updates. BCGD can be searched either by gene name or keyword. Data is deposited and retrieved from the database through a set of interactive Web forms, making it both platform-independent and universally accessible in facilitating worldwide collaborative authoring of the database. Data in BCGD is linked to other on-line resources such as Entrez, GeneCards and On-Line Mendelian Inheritance in Man. BCGD is located at