A primipara, who reported no unusual history, gave birth to a male infant with extopia vesicae and a large umbilical hernia. The child died on the twenty-seventh day of inanition and bronchopneumonia. At necropsy the infant was markedly wasted, and there was a large tumor extending from the umbilical scar cranially to the epispadic glans penis caudally. The tumor was the size of a grapefruit and in its upper three-quarters was covered with thin skin and distended by coils of intestines. The lower portion of the tumor presented a dark red mass that was the posterior wall of the extroverted bladder from which urine had dribbled continuously. Between the area of thin skin and the area of bladder mucous membrane was a narrow crescentic zone of pinkish epithelium that showed a fine wartlike proliferation and excoriation. The left testis was visible as a subcutaneous swelling in the groin, but there