Epithelial Salivary Gland Tumors in Children and Adolescents

In the Salivary Gland Register (University of Hamburg), 9883 cases were recorded from 1965 to 1984. Among these cases there were 3,326 neoplasms, of which 3,017 were epithelial in origin. In this latter group, 80 neoplasms arose in children and adolescents. Among these 80 persons, there was a slight predominance of females; 57 tumors (71 %) were localized in the parotid gland, and only 6 (8 %) in the submandibular gland. The incidence of the tumor types was different in children and adolescents as compared to the incidence in adults: monomorphic adenomas were virtually absent in children (only 1 patient), and benign tumors were also less common (65%). The incidence of mucoepidermoid tumors was remarkable (12 cases, 15 %). Acinic cell tumors occurred more frequently (5 cases, 6 %). The neoplasms have been analyzed histologically. Two very rare tumors, a monomorphic salivary duct adenoma and an embryonal carcinoma, were also studied by electron microscopy and immunohistochemistry.