Intraocular pressure 4 months after implantation of the semiflexible McGhan/3M, style 70, anterior chamber lens

Sixty-four patients were consecutively operated for senile cataract with implantation of the semiflexible McGhan/3M, style 70, anterior chamber lens. Intraocular pressure (IOP) was measured one day prior to the operation, 6 days and 3-8 months (mean 4 months) after the operation, and gonioscopy was performed one day prior to and 4 months after the operation. A significant fall in IOP was found in the operated eye 6 days after surgery. No significant change in IOP was found 4 months after surgery, neither in the operate eye nor in the non-oprated fellow eye. Iris tucking seemed to have no influence on the postoperative tension, while a significant rise in IOP was found in 13 eyes with adhesions between the iris and lens haptics as the only abnormal gonioscopic finding.