Activation of p38 MAP kinase by asbestos in rat mesothelial cells is mediated by oxidative stress

Asbestos fibers are biopersistent particles that are capable of stimulating chronic inflammatory responses in the pleura of exposed individuals. Exposure of pleural mesothelial cells, the progenitor cell of malignant mesothelioma, to asbestos induces an array of cellular responses. The present studies investigated whether the p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase cascade was induced under asbestos-exposed conditions. p38 plays a vital role in the response to stressful stimuli and enables the cell to enter an inflammatory state characterized by cytokine production. Western blot and in vitro kinase assays showed increases in dual phosphorylation and actual activity of p38 after exposure to fibrous and nonfibrous (milled) crocidolite; in contrast, polystyrene beads and iron (III) oxide had no such effects. In common with other asbestos-induced events, this was shown to be an oxidative stress-sensitive effect, inasmuch as preincubation with N -acetyl-l-cysteine or α-tocopherol (vitamin E) ameliorated the effect. The present studies show that p38 activity is important for crocidolite-induced activator protein-1 DNA binding, inasmuch as an inhibitor of p38, SB-203580, reduced this activity. Crocidolite-induced cytotoxicity was also reduced with SB-203580, indicating a role for p38 in asbestos-mediated cell death. Our studies suggest that p38 activity could be a crucial factor in the chronic immune response elicited by asbestos and may represent a target for future pharmacological intervention.